Key Features
Flexible Pay as you go plugin that helps you migrate your site to a new host with or without changing domain names.

Faster Exports & Imports
Because we stream your archive from server to server we do not require that you to have a fast internet connection for migration to be successful. We handle the magic in the background without the need to download or upload any file.

Fast & Secure
We archive and encrypt the data on your server using a password of your choice and then stream it securely to our online storage and back. We never have (or want to have) access to your password or unencrypted files.

No Size Limits, Super Fast Imports
With 1 click, we stream down your export file, we decrypt it on your server and restore all your data. There are no import size limitations.

Changing Domains? No problem
We automatically detect domain changes and update your database and installation accordingly.
We offer a “pay as you go” option or an “unlimited” plan based on your needs.
Pay as you go
100% Money Back Guarantee
No Long Term Commitments
7 Days to keep migrating the same domain
Best for the occasional use
Cancel at anytime
Unlimited Monthly Migrations
Best for designers and developers
Premium Dedicated Support
Best deal if you migrate 2 or more sites /mo
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Step By Step Backup & Restore
Site Backup Cleanup Site Disable & remove any unwanted Themes, Plugins & Media Files....
Pre Migration Preparation List
Cleanup Site Disable & remove any unwanted Themes, Plugins & Media Files. Database cleanup...
Restore Steps and Guide
When you are ready to restore your site install Wordpress and 1 Click Migration on the new host....